Friday, December 14, 2012

My First Rejection and My First Acceptance

  I realize I haven't done any movie reviews in a very long time, but I will soon, I promise. I've actually WATCHED a lot, so I will get to those soon. But I wanna talk about something different today.
  I had applied Early Decision to Rice University, and I got my decision today. I was, of course, denied. Now, I'm going to be honest and say that I'm heartbroken. I can't really imagine myself at any other college. Rice is beautiful and amazing and easily my first choice by light-years. Also, and I wouldn't even tell my friends this, but between you and me, I had actually built up hopes of getting in. I know I shouldn't have, I'm not nearly a strong enough applicant in ANY way to warrant my having thought I could get in, but... I don't know, I couldn't help myself. I guess I suffered from delusions of grandeur, albeit very cautiously and warily the whole time.
  So now I've been denied. It feels like every insecurity I've had that I thought might be true has suddenly been confirmed. What to do, what to do...? I don't know.
  I also got an acceptance to University of Houston, but that was my safety school and I believe I had guaranteed admission anyway because of my GPA and SAT scores, so that's small consolation. Not that it's a bad school by any means at all, but... *Sigh* Hopefully I at least get into UT Austin, which is a high second choice and the only other school I've applied to.
  To anybody else out there who's waiting on application decisions, I wish you better luck than I had.