Wednesday, March 28, 2012

An Ode to Alayah Frazier

  Alayah Frazier, the coolest (and also only) Afro-Asian girl I know, deserves some words of praise on this blog. (This is in gratitude for giving me artwork to hang up in my room. Her original artwork is fantastique.) So, some words about Alayah Frazier.
  She is easily one of the most talented people I know, since she does art, music, and writing. She's really good at them all, too. She is one of the few girls I know who can use sarcasm correctly for humorous effect, meaning she's both hilarious and intelligent. (I find it takes a smart person to use sarcasm correctly, at least for humorous effect.) Her taste in music is questionable (I kid, I kid; I often make fun of her for liking hipster music, but her taste is generally pretty good and really interesting), but her taste in literature is impeccable (she was the one who suggested The Picture of Dorian Gray to me). Her taste in film is pretty cool (I watched Kill Bill at her behest), and her taste in television programming is awesome (she and her boyfriend Clark, also a very cool guy,
enjoy watching New Girl, Zooey Deschanel's sitcom, together every week). Also, she's wise far beyond her years, and it's almost unsettling at times how much she knows about people and life.
  Check out her blog at She's far more entertaining and regular than me, I promise. All in all, she's just a gal too cool for words.

The header to her blog, and one of her originals
EDIT: P.S. Alayah would like me to add that you should convert to Frazierism, in which she is the supreme lord. You should do that. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Note On My Religious Views

  I don't judge no matter what your religious views are, since your guess is as good as mine, obviously. I don't much appreciate those who try to convert me, of course, but you are always free to believe whatever you want around me.
  Basically, my view on God is that he or she may or may not exist. To me, the existence or lack thereof of God is irrelevant. I'm gonna be the best person I can be because it's the best person I can be, and if there is a God and a heaven and I get in, swell. Good deal. And if there is no heaven or hell, that's fine too. And if it so happens that God is going to keep me out unless I believed in him, well, God sounds awfully conceited and needy, to be honest, and I don't care to pander to and please a God like him or her anyway. Basically... I'm agnostic.
  Again, these are my own views. I don't expect anyone else to believe them. I think people spend a lot of unneeded time, energy, and passion arguing over who the big head in the sky is. If people would just live and let live, it would solve a lot of the world's problems. My AP Human Geography teacher often tells us that experts say that the next world war will be fought over either religion or water. The idea that someone's personal beliefs are considered an issue worth fighting over and on par with the availability of water saddens me a little.
  Anyway, I pretty strongly believe these views. They do cause consequences in my world view that I end up having to deal with sometimes, but that's for another time.
  Good day, reader.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Favorite Movies

I figured that you, the reader (if anyone reads this in the first place), could stand to get to know me a little better. I thought a list of my favorite movies might be a good place to start. So without further ado, my favorite movies, in, for the most part, no particular order. (There're, like, fifteen of them, so... obviously I'm bad at narrowing these things down.)

  • The Dark Knight and Fight Club (Tied for favorite movie of all time. Fantastic movies, the both of them, on every single level.)
  • When Harry Met Sally (Best chick flick/rom-com out there, without a doubt. Guys can't possibly be ashamed of watching this, if only for Meg Ryan's infamous diner scene.)
  • It's A Wonderful Life (One of those movies that made me cry without me being ashamed of it, and can you blame me?)
  • Lion King (I think this is a given.)
  • Star Wars (All episodes together constitute one movie, really. I won't differentiate.)
  • Pulp Fiction (Genius.)
  • Forrest Gump (Speaks for itself.)
  • Hangover/ Hangover 2 (Possibly the funniest movies I have ever seen, challenged only by the next movie on this list.)
  • Airplane! (Possibly the funniest movie I have ever seen. I have yet to see the sequel, which I must do sometime soon.)
  • Gone With The Wind (A sprawling Civil War/Reconstruction epic with some of the greatest characters in film.)
  • Godfather/Godfather II ("The Godfather is the I-ching. The Godfather is the sum of all wisdom. The Godfather is the answer to any question." - Tom Hanks in You've Got Mail. You'd be hard-pressed to find a guy who disagreed. A real man's movie. I still haven't seen the third.)
  • Silence of the Lambs (One of the greatest thrillers ever, and one of the greatest villains ever. Hannibal Lecter is beat only by The Dark Knight's Joker.)
  • Shawshank Redemption (Whose list ISN'T this on?)
  • Good Will Hunting (Don't we all wish we were a little more like Matt Damon in this movie, and we had someone like Robin Williams's character to call us on our crap?)
  • The Sound of Music (Who doesn't love The Sound of Music?)
To be fair, there're a lot of classics I haven't seen. I have a list of about 40 movies that I haven't yet seen that I must, and the list is constantly growing. I'll probably update and revise this list as I watch more.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


  Hiya. So, I suppose some introductions are in order. My name's Adarsh Nednur. I'm 17 years old. I'm a junior in high school in Houston, Texas. I'm Indian. I fall to the liberal side on most social issues, but I know nothing of politics or economics. I'm straight, which I say just for future reference, and I'm single. I'm a hopeless romantic who isn't sure he believes in love. I'm told by all of my best friends, most of whom are girls, that I'm extremely girly for a guy. I'm a little prone to cheesiness, but I'm fond of cheese, so that's all right. I play guitar and bass clarinet and dabble in piano, but I'm told I'm not good enough yet to say that I can play the last at a mediocre level; I'm pretty decent at the other two, though. I write songs in my spare time, and I'm told I'm all right. You may have noticed, I form a lot of my opinions about myself from what people tell me, because I certainly can't be objective, and I'm much more likely to be overly hard on myself than others. I'm starting this blog as a vent for my teenage-angst-iness, which can get a tad heavy at times, and as a place to write my general thoughts. Au revoir.

A note on the title: My friend Alayah has a running joke with me where she'll mock me in a generic preppy-girl-voice whenever I complain about something in the format, "Oh my god, ... and now my life sucks!" For example, if I said, "Man, I'm going to die alone," she'd answer with, "Oh my god, nobody loves me and now my life sucks." She wanted me to start a blog because she was starting one ( and she would then have a regular reader and she would return the favor. I found the idea an interesting one, so I did it, and the title is an homage to her. You should go check her out.